Everything about our MASH Class of '71
Everything about our MASH Class of '71
Our goal is to get over 100 signatures to present to the MAHSAA Selection Committee in January, 2023.
All MASH graduates are encouraged to sign, please.
SuAnn is a businesswoman who dedicated herself to serving our Mechanicsburg Community along with running her Hair Salon and taking care of her special-needs son, Alex.
Check out SuAnn's achievements.
Read what classmates have to say about SuAnn.
List of signatures of MASH Alumni.
Our 50th Reunion tribute to SuAnn.
Designs and tailors costumes for the yearly Christmas Wonderland stage show.
Leads evening Bible Studies sessions.
The dinners take place at the Christian Life Assembly Church.
Leader of the Free Thanksgiving Community Dinner for 9 years
In a leadership role i.e., President for 4 years, Sec./Tres. 2 years, and a Board Member from 1996 to 2006.
Which is sponsored by the Autism Society of Greater Harrisburg Area
For her dedication and vision of the Autism Family Sensory Picnic.
The whole college thing is stupid and should be eliminated. It’s for giving back to the community…you don’t need a college degree to do that. I do applaud making them understand how important businesswomen without a degree are…but should you also include men? I bet there are males that would fit this, too.
At the picnic, SuAnn described her work with the autism foundation and her remarkable dedication to her son. I was blown away. I know this is not what she was nominated for - but it is the type of person who I think a school would be proud to honor.
If loyalty to the school is measured by donation level and/or education level - it's laughable and reflects misguided criteria.
I sincerely hope the criteria can be changed because I have to agree with your sister-in-law. This is elitist and disgusting. I am not sure what would have to occur to change the criteria but think the Alumni would not wish to be represented in this way.
I wish SuAnn and your efforts all the best. The college degree thing is stupid (and I have four of them). It is the work people do, the success they find and the way they help others that should be the measure of success.
I don’t understand why anyone would want to antagonize more than half of their alumni????
You have both put a lot of energy and effort into the class over the years.
Good luck.
A college degree is a very snobbish way to determine a person’s value to the community and world. If this is a requirement for the award, I believe those who made it one should be ashamed of themselves.
In my opinion Sue's earn a Master's degree possible a Doctorate in raising a severely autistic child; owning and running a successful business and still finding time to support the larger autistic community. Not to mention all that she's done for the class of 71 and the Mechanicsburg alumni association. She has advanced degrees being patient and showing acts of love. I am proud to call her my friend and sister in the Lord. Respectfully John Arva.
A recipient of such award should be considered because of dedication, determination, and success. Why would one limit the award to degrees only? In my mind this would exclude over 50% of possibilities. Sue Brenner is an excellent choice!
Loyalty and devotion do not require a college degree.
I highly recommend SuAnn for the Loyalty Award. She has worked endlessly to promote Mechanicsburg High School
It always amazes me on how people put a college diploma as something special above us poor people who work instead of going to party for 4 years. I worked for a school district for 24 YEARS, and saw personally how incompetent some "College grads" were. Loyalty for a organization should be in devoted participation NOT IN HAVING A DEGREE
College degrees are a great thing, but there are many people with college degrees who no longer support the Mechanicsburg Area Schools, or the community. I do not ever remember any of my guidance counselor’s telling me I would be considered less of a person of value without one. SuAnn Brenner is deserving of this award.
Can’t think of anyone more deserving!
A few other "successful" people without college degrees are: Ansel Adams, Frank Loyd Wright, Henry Ford, James Cameron, Milton Hershey, Walt Disney, Wolfgang Puck, Wally 'Famous' Amos, Vidal Sassoon, Ray Kroc, & many more. Add SuAnn to the list -- our Class Hero!
SuAnn is definitely deserving of the Loyalty Award. My Mom and sister both went to SuAnn's hair salon. They both had some health issues and she was so kind to them and made them feel beautiful!
Good morning Carl.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and persistence with this issue.
I believe that it would be better to work with the Board of the Alumni Association to add a new category as suggested by Steve Fish, including the criteria for that category. I have no doubt that SuAnn is deserving of an award, as is LuAnn and no doubt others. However I don't think this should be about a person first, but rather a process and protocol.
I would be willing to sign a petition to request a new category of alumni. That being said, I would do so knowing that the Board is a volunteer group in which I have given no investment of time or work to help. In my own work life it is difficult to hear complaints and concerns from people who don't invest themselves in helping the organization.
Thanks for taking time to ask my opinion.
Good morning, Carl -
Thanks for your inquiry. You may remember that I drafted the initial recommendation for SuAnn and LuAnn's recognition (8.10.21) by the Alumni Association - and I still stand by that recommendation that you and Ed helped refine.
The petition does not address the recommendation but instead is focused on one part of the criteria used by the sub-committee of the Alumni Association. Changing that one part doesn't address the need to find ways to recognize folks who have made a significant contribution to alumni groups (like the Class of '71.)
Thanks for asking.
Compassion, dedication, morality, critical thinking or common sense doesn't automatically come with a college degree.
Your efforts for Su are great. It is nonsensical that a college degree is a requirement, I agree. I hope the powers reconsider their criteria.
A college degree should never be a requirement for loyal service.
Great choice, Mechanicsburg true!
Our 50th Reunion tribute for all the things SuAnn has done for our class of '71
Signatures for SuAnn's Petition
As December 5, 2022. Thank you for signing.We're optimistic that our proposal for changes to the MAHSAA hall of fame loyalty award will be accepted in the future after Gary and Steve have stepped down.
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